Recovery expectations & dealing with set-backs

Navigating Recovery Expectations and Setbacks: A Guide to Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

Recovering from proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT) can be a challenging journey filled with twists and turns. In this podcast episode, Brodie Sharp, an online physiotherapist and recreational athlete, provides valuable insights on how to manage recovery expectations and deal with unexpected setbacks. Let’s dive into this essential topic to help you overcome PHT and get back to your active lifestyle.


Welcome to the podcast dedicated to helping you conquer proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT). Hosted by Brodie Sharp, this podcast aims to demystify PHT, provide evidence-based treatments, and dispel common misconceptions. Whether you’re an athlete or not, the knowledge shared here will empower you to take the right steps in overcoming this challenging condition.

Building a Supportive Community

Before delving into recovery expectations and setbacks, Brodie expresses his gratitude for the growing support from listeners. The podcast’s expansion is driven by word-of-mouth recommendations and social media shares. If you find the content helpful, consider sharing it with someone in need, as it can make a significant difference in their recovery journey.

The Importance of Realistic Recovery Expectations

In this episode, Brodie emphasizes the need for realistic recovery expectations. Just like embarking on a journey, your recovery path from PHT may encounter unexpected twists and turns. To bridge the gap between what you expect and reality, it’s essential to prepare for these challenges. Brodie discusses four key considerations to help you navigate your recovery journey effectively.

Consideration #1: Is Your “Car” Strong Enough?

Imagine your recovery as a road trip, and your body is the car. Just as you’d assess your vehicle’s readiness for a long journey, you must evaluate whether your body is fit for the recovery process. Address any physical weaknesses, psychological anxieties, or imbalances before embarking on the road to recovery.

Consideration #2: Anticipating Heavy Traffic

Expect to encounter heavy traffic along the way. Recovery may involve spending more time in a specific phase, like rehabilitation, before you can progress to the next stage. Patience and resilience are vital as you navigate these temporary delays and setbacks.

Consideration #3: The Possibility of Detours

Sometimes, your recovery journey may require unconventional adjustments to your plan. These detours do not mean you’re backtracking but involve modifying your approach to adapt to your body’s response. Be prepared to tweak exercises or schedules as needed.

Consideration #4: Navigating Dead Ends

Hitting a dead end can be the most frustrating aspect of your recovery journey. It may involve flare-ups or the need to start from square one. These setbacks can be disheartening but are less likely to occur if you follow professional guidance and resist the temptation to rush the process. Learning from these experiences can strengthen your approach in the long run.

Managing Risk versus Reward

Brodie discusses the concept of managing risk versus reward when returning from injury. The decision to take on risk depends on factors like the significance of an upcoming event, such as a race. If you opt for higher risk to meet a deadline, be prepared for potential setbacks.

Embracing Recovery as Your New “Sport”

When recovering from an injury, runners often face a cognitive dissonance as they temporarily lose their running identity. Brodie recommends shifting your mindset by acknowledging that recovery is now your sport. This mental adjustment can help you prioritize rehabilitation and prevent rushing back to running.


Recovery from proximal hamstring tendinopathy is a journey with its share of challenges. Realistic recovery expectations and a proactive approach to setbacks can make the process smoother and more successful. As you continue on your road to recovery, remember that knowledge is power.

This podcast episode is brought to you by the RunSmarter Physiotherapy Clinic, where Brodie Sharp assists PHT sufferers worldwide. If you need tailored assistance or a second opinion on your rehab, consider scheduling a free 20-minute injury chat with him.

In the next episode, Brodie will discuss the difference between pain and sensitivity in the context of your recovery from PHT. Stay tuned for more valuable insights to help you overcome this condition and return to an active, pain-free lifestyle.