Entries by Brodie Sharpe

How To Best Prepare For Your Marathon

Your Marathon Preparation This blog will not provide tips on your training plan structure, if you would like more advice on this topic head to The top 5 MUST HAVES in your training program. I thought I would share some tips as you prepare for your next few long runs because this is where runners […]

How to boost your running mental game

When I first started podcasting, I hosted a podcast called ‘Everyday Running Legends’. And at the end of every episode I would ask my guest ‘What is your number one tip to help a runner who is struggling through the last 10% of an endurance run?’. This one question has provided a lot of great […]

How to recognize the boom bust injury cycle

The boom bust cycle is a repeating pattern of managing injuries for a period of time & once recovered, training too hard until another injury is created. From my experience, this pattern is consistent with certain personality traits and training philosophies. Additionally, big survey-style questionnaires show that the reason why runners run is diverse. So […]

How to know if you are strong enough for running

It is not always about running strong, but when 2-3 times your body weight goes through your lower limb every step, a 70kg runner like me will accumulate 1.9million kgs of load every hour of running. So, strength should be factored in. Your ‘Running Strong’ home assessment This is a practical test you can try […]

Is there a link between my personality & injury?

Runners are classically the type A personality consisting of common traits. For instance, self-motivation, internal drive & competitiveness. All these traits shine a positive light on personal ambition, race preparation and a physically active lifestyle. However, do these traits have negative associations? For example, if the vast majority of running injuries are due to training […]

When can new mums can return back to running

Firstly, thank you to the authors Tom Goom, Gráinne Donnelly and Emma Brockwell for publishing the new post partum running guidelines. For more information I will include the link here. It is often a concern for new mums, they love running but also want to respect the healing process. But how is a new mum […]

Can I Become A Better Runner, Only Using A Treadmill?

Treadmill running. You love it or you hate it. For some runners it can be very appealing come winter. But can we substitute outdoor training for the comfort of an indoor treadmill? Does a treadmill running change your technique? When it comes to your movement and joint angles there is conflicting evidence. Some studies will […]