Entries by Brodie Sharpe

Insights into Deadlift progressions

Understanding and Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: A Comprehensive Guide to Deadlift Progressions Proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT), also known as high hamstring tendinopathy, can be a debilitating condition. But it doesn’t have to be a life sentence of pain and discomfort. In this podcast episode transcript, we will delve into the world of deadlift progressions as […]

Mistakes preventing a NEW runner from success

It’s tough being a new runner Becoming a new runner is a rough learning curve because in the first few months your body is adapting to new habits and the body thanks you with soreness and a struggling aerobic system. If you want your body to adapt, attempt to train within your body’s adaptation zone […]

(Part 2) Why one PHT treatment doesn’t work for everyone with Alex Murray

Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Exploring Treatment Variability In today’s episode, part two of my conversation with Alex Murray, we delve deeper into the complex world of proximal hamstring tendinopathy. If you’ve been struggling with this condition, you’re in the right place. We’re here to help you understand it better, learn about effective evidence-based treatments, and dispel […]

Common Strength Training Myths for Runners

There are certainly common gym myths floating around the running community. My guess is because most runners don’t like strength training. Any excuse will do, right? The myths I will be talking about stems from the work by Richard Blagrove. Rich is a brilliant researcher and is world renowned for strength training and running performance. […]

What Advice Runners Need To Know About Bone Density

There has been a surprising level of interest for bone health of late. With this in mind, I wanted to share some knowledge on bone density and how to preserve it. The importance of bone growth at a young age By the time we reach our early 20’s we have already reached our peak bone […]

Shin pain: when should you seek medical advice?

Shin pain is a common complaint for runners and medial tibial stress syndrome AKA ‘Shin Splints’ is often the go-to self-diagnosis. This is often followed-up by researching shin splint treatment and asking for advice from other runners. But there are potentially other causes for shin pain which could become worse when applying standard shin splint […]