Runners are classically the type A personality consisting of common traits. For instance, self-motivation, internal drive & competitiveness. All these traits shine a positive light on personal ambition, race preparation and a physically active lifestyle. However, do these traits have negative associations? For example, if the vast majority of running injuries are due to training […]
Why PHT exercises are now affecting the other leg
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie Sharpe“Reached next level of insanity: since about 2 weeks my healthy leg is in pain because of PHT. Because of my other hammie I can’t run, jump, walk too much and sit only on cushions. This PHT on the right side started after doing hamstring exercises! Exer
How To Best Prepare For Your Marathon
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeYour Marathon Preparation This blog will not provide tips on your training plan structure, if you would like more advice on this topic head to The top 5 MUST HAVES in your training program. I thought I would share some tips as you prepare for your next few long runs because this is where runners […]
How to boost your running mental game
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeWhen I first started podcasting, I hosted a podcast called ‘Everyday Running Legends’. And at the end of every episode I would ask my guest ‘What is your number one tip to help a runner who is struggling through the last 10% of an endurance run?’. This one question has provided a lot of great […]
Q&A: PRPs, MRIs, Medications & Return to activity
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeIn today’s episode, Brodie answers all the questions coming in from social media. Here is the list: #1: When can I apply heat? And does ice and ibuprofen impede healing? #2: Can PRP help PHT? #3: My chronic PHT shows no tendon issues on MRI. Can my pain
How to recognize the boom bust injury cycle
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeThe boom bust cycle is a repeating pattern of managing injuries for a period of time & once recovered, training too hard until another injury is created. From my experience, this pattern is consistent with certain personality traits and training philosophies. Additionally, big survey-style questionnaires show that the reason why runners run is diverse. So […]
How to know if you are strong enough for running
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeIt is not always about running strong, but when 2-3 times your body weight goes through your lower limb every step, a 70kg runner like me will accumulate 1.9million kgs of load every hour of running. So, strength should be factored in. Your ‘Running Strong’ home assessment This is a practical test you can try […]
Common Mistakes a runner makes with their hamstring rehabilitation
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeWhat is a high hamstring tendinopathy? This is a condition commonly seen in runners and yoga instructors who also have a job revolved around sitting. That is because for one reason of another the hamstring tendon has become irritated typically from a spike in load. As you can see in the picture below, the hamstring […]
Brodie discussing PHT on the Fit Cookie Nutrition Podcast
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeFrom the Fit Cookie Nutrition Podcast: “In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Brodie Sharpe, who is a physio therapist, podcaster, and founder of the Run Smarter Series. We discuss a common nagging runner injury in today’s episode, proximal
Is there a link between my personality & injury?
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeRunners are classically the type A personality consisting of common traits. For instance, self-motivation, internal drive & competitiveness. All these traits shine a positive light on personal ambition, race preparation and a physically active lifestyle. However, do these traits have negative associations? For example, if the vast majority of running injuries are due to training […]
When can new mums can return back to running
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeFirstly, thank you to the authors Tom Goom, Gráinne Donnelly and Emma Brockwell for publishing the new post partum running guidelines. For more information I will include the link here. It is often a concern for new mums, they love running but also want to respect the healing process. But how is a new mum […]