Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: A Success Story with Kara Haas

Kara Haas has faced 15 years of Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy. Once running at a very high level and competing at the Olympic trials, Kara’s PHT started to get out of control. We dive into Kara’s story and her attempts to resolve her pain including PRP,

Should you try shockwave therapy for PHT recovery?

Brodie interviews Benoy Matthew, an Advanced Practice Physio, Sonographer & Shockwave Specialist. Benoy has a Specialist Interest in Hip & & Running Injuries. We talk about the Do’s and Don’ts of shockwave therapy including: What is shockwave

How to Cross-train your way to recovery

On today’s episode we dive into tips on cross-training and how to use it to our advantage when recovering from Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy. We split this episode into 5 different segments and answer your questions. Here is what we will analyse: Swimm

Pain science 2: Chronic PHT pain

No matter what your running injury, pain will initiate in the brain. And this pain science episode is all about making sense of how pain is interpreted & processed. Possessing this knowledge can be a great ally for your rehabilitation journey, being o

Pain Science 1: Explaining Pain & Context

No matter what your running injury, pain will initiate in the brain. And this pain science episode is all about making sense of how pain is interpreted & processed. Possessing this knowledge can be a great ally for your rehabilitation journey, being o

Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Michelle’s Road to Recovery

During these success story segments, Brodie interviews a runner who has managed to overcome Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy after much frustration & hardship. When injured, it is easy to find social media tales of chronic pain, debilitating symptoms a

Sitting Successfully with PHT

On today’s episode we cover all things sitting with PHT and answer the following questions: What are the best strategies for pain relief when sitting? Does sitting cause further damage to the tendon? How can we handle sitting on long car trips or long wo

Peter Malliaras: Scans, Strength, PRP, Injections & Shockwave

This episode covers Brodie’s conversation with Dr. Peter Malliaras who is a physiotherapist & associate professor specialising in tendinopathy. Peter dives into the research behind tendinopathy pathology and management, including strength rehabilitati

Avoiding the Pain, Rest, Weakness Downward Spiral

We tick off our last universal principle to overcome your proximal hamstring tendinopathy. Brodie introduces the Pain, Rest, Weakness Downward Spiral which is a common trap for tendon pain. It is human nature to retreat from activity if it causes a flare-

The Hidden Dangers hindering your tendon recovery

This universal principle focuses on the difference between external tissue loading & internal tissue capacity. In particular, your adaptation zone & max capacity line is not static. In fact, certain environmental influences and mood states can flu