Entries by Brodie Sharpe

How to bounce back stronger from injury

After just finishing the book ‘Rebound’ I thought I would share some key points I took away from it. Recovery is a mental game as much as it is physical. Studies have shown that athletes with positive psychological responses to their injury were more likely to return to their sport. We must learn to recognize […]

5 ways to overcome plantar fasciitis

As soon as summer starts, I see a lot more people presenting with plantar fascia pain and foot pain. I wonder if it is because of the transition from supportive shoes to barefoot walking as the cause. Keep this in mind. You are more likely to develop plantar fascia pain if you exceed your capacity […]

What is the best way to warm up before running?

A great topic for new and experienced runners. When I ask clients what their running warm-up routine is most of them reply with, ‘I know I should probably stretch more’. One of the first blog posts I wrote talked about static stretching and it’s inability to reduce injury risk. The evidence shows no improvement in […]

Is resting really the best thing for my injury?

This may seem on the contrary to the beliefs of most, but complete rest is rarely the solution for optimal recovery. In fact, rest could potentially make your injury worst! So let’s learn why staying active is so important and which option is best for your injury. Complete rest & running injuries When you experience […]

What are the best cross-training tips when injured?

Injured runners just want to keep running, and certain circumstances will permit running. But did you know you will recover faster if you learnt how to implement some cross-training into your recovery plan? This is because it is often unhelpful to completely rest when injured. Plus, if it is done correctly, it has the added […]

What is the best treatment for achilles pain?

For this blog we review the latest in achilles pain treatment. In particular, a recent article titled ‘Achilles Pain, Stiffness, and Muscle Power Deficits: Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy Revision 2018’. This research complies all the treatment methods available and grades them from A (most effective & research-backed) to D (ineffective or no research found). So let’s […]

The new running injury index

We all know runners can be stubborn and often blind to the fact that their injuries are holding them back from unseen potential. So I thought I would share a new patient-reported outcome measure that has been released. It is called the University of Wisconsin Running Injury and Recovery Index and let’s go through three […]