Inspired by a chapter in the upcoming run smarter book. Brodie chats about the spread of misinformation and misconceptions. Searching on the internet, it is common to come across FADs, gimmicks, false claims ad outdated advice. In addition, asking for ad
Q&A: When will sitting ease/foam rolling/massage guns/PHT warm-ups & cooldowns
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeBrodie answers your proximal hamstring tendinopathy questions: 1.) Does it mean it is improving if you are progressing with the weights but sitting pain still remains painful? 2.) While strengthening seems to be the primary mode to rehab. What, if any, is
Q&A: Recovery expectations/Shockwave/PRP/Surgery
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeBrodie answers your proximal hamstring tendinopathy questions: 1.) I am managing to get back to running and close to my previous pace, do you ever recover from this injury and do you have any more good news stories? 2.) How effective is shock-wave therapy
Uncovering The Truth About Shin Splints
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeWhat is Shin Splints? More accurately termed ‘medial tibial stress syndrome’ shin splints is repetitive trauma cause by either: Muscles pulling on the shin bone: Because the deep muscles of the calf (the soleus) attach onto the shin and produce a powerful force when running. Then this calf muscle could be capable of generating enough […]
Q&A: Running as rehab/muscle building/PHT race preparations
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeIn today’s Q&A Brodie answers the three following questions from podcast listeners: “I’m a marathon runner and I’ve been suffering from PHT for 3 years. Progressive loading exercises didn’t work and eventually, I gave up. Nothing seemed to work. I’ve
Do I need strong feet for running?
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeFeet are often a neglected piece of the running puzzle. That is because they often hide away and are compensated by footwear. But how important is it to have strong feet for running? Does it reduce risk of injury? Let’s see what the evidence says. The Foot Core System An article published in 2014 introduced […]
Detecting the early warning signs of your running injury
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeRather than having a running injury and learning how to deal with it, let’s focus being preventative. Because the vast majority of running-related injuries are due to training errors, this means they can be prevented! So, I have written down the four most common situations a runner might encounter which will increase their likelihood of […]
Incorporating nordics into your rehab with Damien McMahon
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeDamian McMahon is a physiotherapist from Ireland and also the creator of the Outlier nordic T-bar. This device is designed to make eccentric nordic exercises accessible within your house and without complicated set-ups. Brodie tried out the t-bar personal
Patient independence during rehab with Nathan Carlson
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeNathan Carlson is a US-based Physical Therapist and co-host of the Runners Zone podcast. Brodie and Nathan talk about the importance of developing independence during a runner’s rehabilitation and how a therapist needs to nature the independent process. T
How To Decipher Good Pain & Bad Pain For Runners
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeRunners get injured. Runners get injured a lot! Studies show that up to 50-80% of runners are injured every year. So as a physiotherapist I think it is crucial for the longevity of your running career that you understand the different types of running pain. Too many times has a runner limps into a physiotherapy […]
Brodie’s thoughts behind PHT misinformation
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeInspired by a chapter in the upcoming run smarter book. Brodie chats about the spread of misinformation and misconceptions. Searching on the internet, it is common to come across FADs, gimmicks, false claims ad outdated advice. In addition, asking for ad