Q&A: Running as rehab/muscle building/PHT race preparations

Title: Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Your Questions Answered


Welcome to this podcast episode where we dive into the world of proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT). Whether you’re an athlete or not, understanding this condition and its treatment options can be crucial. In this blog-style article, we will explore answers to your burning questions about PHT, including its management, strength training, and considerations when training for a race.

Understanding Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

Proximal hamstring tendinopathy, often referred to as PHT, is a debilitating condition that affects many individuals, particularly athletes. To help shed light on some common queries, let’s delve into the Q&A section of this podcast episode.

Q&A 1: Building Strength and Recovery with Rob Jones

Question: “I’m a marathon runner suffering from PHT for three years. I’ve tried various exercises like glute bridges, squats, and more, but nothing seemed to work. Recently, I started running again and have reached 3.5 miles pain-free. Can this approach help me fully recover from PHT?”

Answer: Building strength and gradually reintroducing running can be a successful strategy for PHT recovery. Running should be considered a part of your rehabilitation, not the end goal. Incorporating both strength training and running in a gradual, controlled manner can increase your chances of success. While running alone can help, it may leave your tendon less resilient to abrupt changes or additional challenges.

Q&A 2: Muscle Building with PHT by Andrea Camerillo

Question: “Is there a technique to build lower limb muscle while managing PHT? I’ve been working out through pain with controlled movements and have improved my strength, but I’m still finding limits. Any advice?”

Answer: Building muscle mass while managing PHT requires a careful approach. Focus on exercises that the tendon can tolerate well, such as calf raises, step-ups, hip thrusts, and bridges. Gradually increase weights and reduce the range of motion if needed to minimize tendon strain. Consider increasing rest breaks between sets to allow the tendon to recover. Always consult with a healthcare professional or physiotherapist for personalized guidance.

Q&A 3: Race Training with PHT – Arthi Raghu’s Dilemma

Question: “I’m scheduled to run the Boston Marathon and have been rehabbing PHT since December. I’m up to 8-9 miles, but the pain is gone by the next morning. Should I run the marathon and take it easy, or is it too risky?”

Answer: Training for a race with PHT requires a cautious approach. Map out a gradual progression plan for your long runs, ensuring a minimal increase in mileage each week. Avoid introducing speed work to reduce the risk of exacerbating your condition. Weigh the risks and rewards carefully and be prepared to pull out of the race if needed. Remember, there will always be more races in the future.


Proximal hamstring tendinopathy is a challenging condition, but with the right knowledge and a careful approach to strength training and rehabilitation, you can overcome it. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or physiotherapist for personalized advice on managing PHT. Whether you’re building muscle, training for a race, or seeking to understand this condition better, taking control of your rehab journey is a powerful step toward a pain-free future.