This episode Brodie talks about the chronic tendinopathy he has had behind his knee for several years. Even with increasing mileage, preparing for races and performing at a level he was happy with, he always had this annoying tendon pain. So, during lockd
Why your hamstring tendinopathy isn’t getting better with Maryke Louw
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeMaryke Louw is a sports injury Physiotherapist and delivers excellent content around injury diagnosis and management. She is a practicing clinician and online physiotherapist with a big passion treating runners our topics include: The role of compression
What Brodie has learnt from Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeBrodie talks about his personal experiences with Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy during his transition from marathon running into sprint triathlons and shares the lessons he has learnt along the way, so you will gain insight into injury management & p
Brodie’s Journey Overcoming 6 years of Tendinopathy
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeThis episode Brodie talks about the chronic tendinopathy he has had behind his knee for several years. Even with increasing mileage, preparing for races and performing at a level he was happy with, he always had this annoying tendon pain. So, during lockd
Running Considerations
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeToday, Brodie discusses running considerations during your PHT rehab. These could be running technique considerations, running speed considerations or running terrain considerations to give you the best possible outcome and return to running successfully.
Other potential causes for PHT pain with Aidan Rich
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeToday Brodie is talking with Aidan Rich, a Sports & Exercise physiotherapist working out of Lifecare & Advance Healthcare. Aidan is currently attending his masters with ambitions to study his PhD in his special interest of PHT. Aidan dives into th
Is surgery my best option? with Peter Fuller
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeDr. Peter Fuller is a Musculoskeletal Specialist & Sports Doctor. He works alongside Dr. David Young who is one of the biggest surgeons performing PHT surgery in Australia. Brodie & Peter discuss what surgical options are available and what surge
PHT Assessment & Management: A 2016 Research Paper
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeToday Brodie reads through a 2016 paper published by Tom Goom, Peter Malliaras, Michael Reiman & Craig Purdam. The paper title is: Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Clinical Aspects of Assessment and Management. Brodie discusses the assessment and diag
Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: A Success Story with Kara Haas
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeKara Haas has faced 15 years of Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy. Once running at a very high level and competing at the Olympic trials, Kara’s PHT started to get out of control. We dive into Kara’s story and her attempts to resolve her pain including PRP,
Should you try shockwave therapy for PHT recovery?
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeBrodie interviews Benoy Matthew, an Advanced Practice Physio, Sonographer & Shockwave Specialist. Benoy has a Specialist Interest in Hip & & Running Injuries. We talk about the Do’s and Don’ts of shockwave therapy including: What is shockwave
How to Cross-train your way to recovery
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeOn today’s episode we dive into tips on cross-training and how to use it to our advantage when recovering from Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy. We split this episode into 5 different segments and answer your questions. Here is what we will analyse: Swimm