Train your mind to bounce back from injury with Carrie Cheadle

Title: Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: A Guide to Recovery and Resilience

Subtitle: Train Your Mind to Bounce Back from Injury


Welcome to a podcast episode that focuses on understanding and overcoming proximal hamstring tendinopathy. Hosted by Brodie Sharp, an online physiotherapist and recreational athlete, this episode features an insightful discussion with Kerry Cheadle, a sports psychologist and co-author of the book “Rebound.” In this episode, we will explore various attitudes and coping strategies that athletes, both recreational and professional, may exhibit during their recovery journey from injuries like proximal hamstring tendinopathy.

The Impatient Runner: Finding Balance Between Recovery and Return

Subtitle: Managing the Impulse to Rush Back

The first category of athletes discussed in the episode is the “impatient runner.” This type of athlete, driven by a strong desire to return to their sport, often finds themselves struggling with the frustration of injury. Their impatience can lead them to return too quickly, potentially hindering their recovery. To help the impatient runner:

  • Adjust Your Goals: It’s essential to adapt your goals to your current condition, embracing the idea that recovery is your new “sport.” Set realistic milestones, recognizing that rushing back can prolong the injury.
  • Embrace Patience: Understand that recovery takes time and that impatience won’t expedite the process. Accept the situation and focus on gradual progress.
  • Seek Reassurance: Don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare provider for specific details on your recovery progress. Understanding where you stand and why you’re ready for the next step can alleviate impatience.

The Fearful Runner: Conquering Apprehension

Subtitle: Overcoming the Fear of Reinjury

The “fearful runner” experiences anxiety about reinjury, often leading to over-cautiousness during the return-to-sport phase. This fear can slow down the recovery process. To address this fear:

  • Seek Reassurance: Consult your healthcare provider to clarify your current status and safety. Understanding the boundaries of your recovery can help alleviate the fear of reinjury.
  • Acknowledge the Brain’s Protective Mechanism: Recognize that your brain is wired to protect you. It may trigger anxiety when it senses a potential risk. Being aware of this mechanism can help you manage your fear.
  • Consider Resilience-Building Tools: Work on mental resilience and confidence-building techniques. You may need tools to manage anxiety and pain during the return-to-sport phase.

The Stubborn Runner: Accepting Limitations

Subtitle: The Perils of Ignoring Injury

Stubborn runners tend to disregard injuries and push through pain, often ignoring the signs that their body needs rest. It’s crucial to acknowledge the potential dangers of this approach:

  • Embrace Reality: Understand that ignoring an injury can lead to more severe issues, longer recovery periods, and, in some cases, irreversible damage.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to pain and discomfort signals. These are your body’s way of communicating that something is wrong.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and a personalized recovery plan.

Conclusion: Building Resilience for Recovery

In conclusion, the journey to recovery from proximal hamstring tendinopathy and similar injuries requires patience, self-awareness, and the ability to embrace the process. Your mental resilience and the way you manage attitudes and coping strategies play a significant role in your recovery. By understanding the various challenges athletes may face during recovery, you can develop strategies to overcome them, setting the stage for a successful return to your sport.

Remember, recovery is not just a physical journey but also a mental one. By focusing on your mental fitness, you can achieve a full, confident recovery from proximal hamstring tendinopathy and emerge stronger than before.