Brodie discussing PHT on the Fit Cookie Nutrition Podcast

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Understanding Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

Welcome to the Fit Cookie Nutrition Podcast. In today’s episode, we’re diving into the world of Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy (PHT). Join us as we explore the intricacies of this condition, debunk misconceptions, and discuss evidence-based treatments. Our guest today is Brodie Sharp, an online physiotherapist and recreational athlete.

Meet Brodie Sharp

Brodie Sharp is not only a physiotherapist but also the creator of the Run Smarter series. With personal experience battling proximal hamstring tendinopathy, Brodie is on a mission to educate and empower athletes to overcome this challenging condition.

Fit Cookie Nutrition Podcast Collaboration

This podcast episode originally aired on the Fit Cookie Nutrition Podcast with host Holly. Brodie shares insights and strategies to manage PHT effectively. Before we dive into the interview, make sure to check out Holly’s podcast, which covers various aspects of nutrition, endurance sports, and injury prevention.

The Interview with Brodie Sharp

In this section, we’ll delve into Brodie’s interview with Holly, where he discusses proximal hamstring tendinopathy, its causes, prevention, and management.

Brodie’s Athletic Journey

Brodie started as a recreational runner after his basketball career. He gradually transitioned into the world of endurance sports, participating in marathons and triathlons. His personal journey led him to specialize in helping runners navigate the complexities of injury prevention and management.

Understanding Different Hamstring Issues

Before diving into PHT, Brodie differentiates between common hamstring issues in runners. Acute hamstring strains typically occur during intense efforts or sprints, while PHT is a condition that affects the hamstring tendons near the hips.

Why Does PHT Linger?

Brodie sheds light on why PHT tends to persist. It’s often misdiagnosed as gluteal pain or mismanaged with excessive stretching. Factors like abrupt training changes, sitting habits, and daily activities can exacerbate the condition.

Preventing Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

In this section, we explore practical strategies to prevent PHT and reduce the risk of developing this condition.

Gradual Training Progression

Brodie emphasizes the importance of gradual training progression to reduce the risk of PHT. Avoid abrupt changes in training intensity or volume, especially when incorporating speed work or hill running.

Strengthening the Hamstrings

To build resilience in the hamstring tendons, strength training is crucial. Brodie recommends specific exercises such as hamstring curls, deadlifts, single-leg deadlifts, and kettlebell swings to enhance hamstring strength.

The Role of Flexibility

Contrary to popular belief, excessive flexibility doesn’t prevent tendinopathy. Brodie explains that tendon health relies on capacity and strength rather than extreme flexibility. Stretching should not be a primary focus in PHT prevention.

Managing Early Symptoms

If you start experiencing early symptoms of PHT, it’s essential to take appropriate action to prevent it from worsening.

Identifying Training Errors

Analyze your training routine for any abrupt changes that may have triggered the symptoms. Adjust your training load and intensity to allow the tendon to recover.

Finding Your New Adaptation Zone

While your tendon is sensitive, identify a new adaptation zone where you can train without aggravating the symptoms. Gradually reintroduce exercises or activities and monitor how your tendon responds.

The Impact of Running Mechanics

Consider your running mechanics, including cadence and foot strike. Overstriding and a low cadence can increase strain on the hamstring tendons. Adjust your running form to reduce this risk.

When to Seek Professional Help

While self-management is valuable, there comes a point when seeking professional guidance is necessary for effective PHT management.

The Importance of Timely Intervention

Brodie recommends taking action if you’ve been managing PHT symptoms for a couple of months without significant improvement. Prompt intervention can prevent prolonged suffering.

Plateauing Symptoms

If you notice that your symptoms have plateaued despite your efforts, it’s a sign that you should consult a healthcare professional. Early intervention is key to faster recovery.


Proximal hamstring tendinopathy is a challenging condition that can affect runners and athletes. Understanding the causes, prevention strategies, and when to seek professional help is crucial for effective management. By following Brodie Sharp’s advice and taking a proactive approach to symptom management, you can minimize the impact of PHT on your athletic journey.

Remember that it’s essential to prioritize strength and capacity over excessive stretching when dealing with PHT. Gradual training progression and thoughtful adjustments to your routine can help you stay on the path to recovery and continue pursuing your athletic goals.