Client insight: Rehabilitation tips & being kind to yourself

Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Client Insights and Tips


In this episode of the podcast, we dive into valuable insights and tips from clients who have battled proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT). Whether you’re an athlete or not, PHT can affect your life in various ways. We’ll explore these insights and offer guidance on managing this challenging condition.

Understanding Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

Proximal hamstring tendinopathy is a condition that can be both frustrating and debilitating. It can impact athletes and individuals leading active lifestyles. But with the right knowledge and approach, you can take the necessary steps to overcome it.

Client Insights and Tips

Let’s explore the key insights and advice from clients who have battled PHT:

1. Avoid Complete Rest

One of the first insights is to avoid the misconception that PHT will magically disappear with complete rest. While rest can provide temporary relief, it’s not a long-term solution. Complete rest can lead to muscle weakness and a cycle of pain, rest, and weakness. Instead, focus on a proactive approach that includes gradual loading and strengthening exercises.

2. Seek Experienced Treatment

Consult with a healthcare professional who has experience in treating PHT. Effective management of this condition often requires specialized knowledge. Seek a practitioner who can guide you through a tailored rehabilitation plan.

3. Keep Detailed Records

Keeping a record of your activities and reactions is crucial. Document your daily activities, including rehab exercises and any other activities that may impact your condition. This record can help you identify patterns, triggers, and progress.

4. Be Cautious of Corticosteroid Injections

While corticosteroid injections may be suggested, they are not always the best solution. These injections are primarily for reducing inflammation, but PHT is not primarily an inflammatory condition. Exhaust conservative management options first before considering injections.

5. Consider Imaging for Diagnosis

If the diagnosis of PHT is unclear, consider MRI or ultrasound scans. These imaging techniques can provide valuable insights into the extent of the injury and guide your treatment plan.

6. Communicate with Loved Ones

PHT can affect various aspects of your life, including social activities. It’s essential to communicate with family and friends about the condition’s impact on you. Understanding and support from loved ones can make a significant difference in your emotional well-being.

7. Prioritize Self-Care

Take care of yourself during your PHT journey. Ensure you get adequate sleep and maintain a well-balanced diet with regular protein intake. Prioritize self-compassion and avoid self-blame or victim mentality.

8. Commit to Your Rehab

Understand that progress in overcoming PHT requires commitment to your rehabilitation program. While there may be setbacks and flare-ups, stay proactive in managing your condition.

9. Balance Sitting and Standing

Invest in a sit-stand desk for work, but don’t become overly fearful of sitting. Gradually integrate sitting into your routine to avoid the pain-avoidance cycle. Find a balance that allows you to train your body to tolerate sitting comfortably.

10. Celebrate Progress

Finally, celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Focus on the steps forward and don’t dwell on minor setbacks. Recognize that rehabilitation often involves two steps forward and one step back.


Proximal hamstring tendinopathy can be a challenging condition, but with the right knowledge and approach, you can overcome it. These client insights and tips offer valuable guidance on managing PHT and taking proactive steps toward recovery. Remember, knowledge is power in your journey to a pain-free future.