How to rehab your PHT without a gym membership

Title: Rehabilitating Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Exercises You Can Do at Home


Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy (PHT) can be a painful and frustrating condition, especially for athletes. In this podcast episode transcript, we will explore ways to rehab your PHT without the need for a gym membership. We’ll discuss various levels of equipment availability and provide exercises that can help you overcome this condition. Whether you’re a dedicated athlete or someone dealing with PHT, this article will empower you with practical exercises to aid your recovery.

Level 1: No Equipment Needed

If you have no exercise equipment available, you can still start your rehab journey with some effective exercises:

  1. Bridges: Begin with double-leg bridges from the floor and gradually progress to single-leg bridges for increased intensity.
  2. Nordic Drops: Find a heavy piece of furniture, like a couch or bed, to hook your heels under. Slowly lower yourself down, and when control is lost, catch yourself with your hands.
  3. Nordic Hip Hinges: While hooking your heels onto an anchor, perform a hip hinge, similar to a deadlift motion, to put the hamstring under load and compression.

Level 2: Using Thera-Bands

If you have access to resistance bands (Thera-Bands), you can enhance your rehab routine:

  1. Prone Hamstring Curls: Attach the band to a sturdy object, wrap it around your ankle, and perform hamstring curls. Gradually increase resistance for progression.
  2. Standing Hip Extensions: Fasten the band to an anchor point and your ankle. Stand facing the anchor and extend your leg backward, working your hamstrings.
  3. Crab Walks: Use the band around your knees and perform side steps in a half-squat position to engage your glutes.

Level 3: Utilizing a Swiss Ball

If you have a Swiss ball at home, you can add versatility to your rehab exercises:

  1. Ball Bridges: Perform bridges with your feet resting on the ball to engage your hamstrings further.
  2. Ball Rollouts: Combine bridges with rollouts by extending the ball away from your body and curling it back toward you using your hamstrings.
  3. Eccentric Hamstring Curls: Elevate your feet on the ball and perform curls, focusing on eccentric muscle lengthening.

Level 4: Using a Heavy Backpack

If you have a heavy backpack, you can add weight to your exercises:

  1. Weighted Bridges: Hold the backpack on your hips while doing bridges for added resistance.
  2. Weighted Nordic Hip Dips: Attach the backpack to your chest, ensuring it’s secure. Cross your arms and perform hip dips.
  3. Weighted Step-Ups: Use the backpack for resistance while doing step-ups on a bench or stairs.
  4. Single-Leg Deadlifts: Hold the backpack securely and perform single-leg deadlifts for an extra challenge.

Level 5: Invest in Adjustable Dumbbells

For a more comprehensive home workout routine, consider investing in adjustable dumbbells:

  1. Deadlifts: Begin with lower weights and progress as your strength improves. Deadlifts are excellent for hamstring rehab.
  2. Kettlebell Swings: If you have adjustable dumbbells with plates, you can simulate kettlebell swings for advanced training.

Remember that progression is essential in your rehab journey. Tendons respond well to slow, heavy loads, and being creative with your exercises can help you overcome PHT. While gym memberships are encouraged for optimal results, these home-based exercises provide alternatives for those who can’t access a gym regularly.


Rehabilitating Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy without a gym membership is possible with the right exercises and equipment. From no equipment to adjustable dumbbells, there are options to suit various needs and circumstances. By following these exercises and focusing on progressive strength training, you can empower yourself to overcome PHT and work toward a pain-free future. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or physiotherapist for personalized guidance in your rehab journey.