Incorporating nordics into your rehab with Damien McMahon

Damian McMahon is a physiotherapist from Ireland and also the creator of the Outlier nordic T-bar. This device is designed to make eccentric nordic exercises accessible within your house and without complicated set-ups. Brodie tried out the t-bar personally and decided to chat with Damian about the idea behind his device. We also cover useful information to help PHT sufferers strengthen their hamstrings along with Damian’s 3 tips to reduce the risk of another hamstring injury.  Book a free 20-min physio chat here Click here to learn more about the PHT video course & to receive your 50% discount If you would like to learn more about having Brodie on your rehab team go to

Title: Incorporating Nordics into Your Rehab for Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy


Welcome to today’s episode where we delve into the world of proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT) and explore a unique approach to rehab using Nordics. In this article, we’ll introduce you to Damian McMahen, a physiotherapist based in Ireland, who has developed an innovative product known as the Outlier Nordic T-Bar. This device simplifies the often-challenging process of performing Nordic exercises at home, making it accessible for those struggling with buttock pain when sitting and other PHT-related issues.

Understanding Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

Before we dive into Damian’s innovative solution, let’s briefly understand what proximal hamstring tendinopathy is. PHT is a condition characterized by pain and discomfort in the buttocks and upper hamstring region. It can be especially bothersome when sitting for prolonged periods, leading to phrases like “butt hurts when sitting.”

Meet Damian McMahen

Damian McMahen is a charter physiotherapist hailing from Ireland. He developed the Outlier Nordic T-Bar as a response to the common challenges faced by both athletes and individuals suffering from PHT when attempting to perform Nordic exercises. Damian’s background as an electrician before becoming a physiotherapist contributed to his mechanical mindset, driving him to create a product that would address this issue effectively.

The Outlier Nordic T-Bar: A Game-Changer

The Outlier Nordic T-Bar is designed to simplify the Nordic exercise, a crucial component of PHT rehab. Here’s how it works:

  • The device is shaped like a “T” with straps for anchoring.
  • One end of the strap attaches to a sturdy anchor point, such as a door frame.
  • The other end secures around the ankles.
  • To perform the exercise, you kneel facing away from the anchor point.
  • With both feet pressed against the door, you lower yourself slowly to the ground, engaging your hamstrings eccentrically.

This innovative product eliminates the need for complex setups, allowing individuals to perform Nordic exercises conveniently at home, which is especially valuable in the context of COVID-19-related gym closures and safety concerns.

Benefits of the Outlier Nordic T-Bar

  1. Accessibility: Damian’s product makes Nordic exercises accessible to a wider audience, including those without access to gym equipment.
  2. Affordability: Priced at approximately €55 (around $60), the Outlier Nordic T-Bar provides an affordable solution for PHT sufferers seeking effective rehab.
  3. Worldwide Shipping: Damian ships his product worldwide, ensuring accessibility for individuals in various countries.

Using the Outlier Nordic T-Bar for Rehabilitation

Here are some tips on how to effectively use the Outlier Nordic T-Bar for PHT rehabilitation:

  1. Start with Isometrics: If you’re new to Nordic exercises, begin with isometric holds halfway down the movement. Gradually increase the duration and number of sets to build strength and tolerance.
  2. Eccentric Training: Once you’ve mastered isometrics, progress to eccentric training. Start with low repetitions and sets, gradually increasing as your strength improves.
  3. Variations: Damian recommends incorporating variations like the “razor curl” and “Spanish squat” to target different aspects of hamstring strength and function.
  4. Tailored Progressions: Depending on your running goals and experience, tailor your training program to include the appropriate variations and intensities.
  5. Load Management: Seek guidance from experienced coaches to ensure your training load is appropriately managed to prevent injuries.

Preventing Hamstring Injuries: Damian’s Three Tips

As a bonus, Damian shares three valuable tips for preventing hamstring injuries, which are essential for both athletes and those recovering from PHT:

  1. Eccentric Strength Training: Incorporate eccentric strength exercises like Nordic curls to build hamstring resilience and reduce the risk of injury.
  2. High-Speed Running: Include high-speed running sessions periodically to challenge your muscles differently and enhance running economy.
  3. Load Management: Seek professional guidance to manage your training load effectively, ensuring you stay injury-free.


Damian McMahen’s Outlier Nordic T-Bar offers a practical solution for individuals dealing with proximal hamstring tendinopathy, making hamstring rehabilitation accessible and convenient. By following Damian’s tips and incorporating Nordic exercises into your routine, you can take significant steps toward overcoming PHT and reducing the risk of hamstring injuries. Remember, prevention and proper rehabilitation are key to a successful recovery and an injury-free future in running or any physical activity.