How to reignite your running passion after a marathon

Let’s be honest, sometimes we have lulls in our running. For example, after a marathon or a big scheduled event which leads to a lack of motivation. For this reason I have posted 10 quick-fire running passion tips to keep the passion alive.
#1 Run with a friend to boost your running passion
Find a friend or a different running group to reignite your running passion. If you run solo, time to find a buddy. Brainstorm business ideas? gossip? Up to you.

#2 Pick a race or a fun run
Keep striving for goals and pick a run that excites you. Either a destination race or something that offers variety like trial runs or obstacle course racing.
#3 Follow a plan
If you are internally driven, then get some structure back with a running plan. The nike run app is perfect for this and will help set accountability.
#4 Find a Parkrun
Parkrun is held weekly on Saturday mornings at 8am. Did I mention they are free! So head down to your nearest parkrun and let me community reignite your love for running.
#5 Back off your long and hard runs
Following a race you may be scarred from the long and hard runs to get you into tip-top shape. This can carry-over post race. Go back to your easy runs and appreciate the fresh air in order to overcome past trauma.
#6 Boost running passion by changing your running route
We are all a bit guilty of heading out the door, turning right and following the same course every time. Turn left! Find somewhere different. Find a river, creek or a nature run. Make is a slow jog to take in the scenery.

#7 Set different running passion goals
Set yourself a challenge. If you are used to logging in long miles, reset and aim for a short PB goal. It could be a 1k, 3k, 5k PB which will give your workouts variety.
#8 Practice positive psychology and gratitude
Sometimes all it takes is a change in mindset. If you are experiencing a lull, put the shoes on and head out for a jog. Think what you are grateful for, list all the things you love about running and also, the negative side of not running. Shifting this mental state can have powerful immediate effects.
#9 Change up what you are listening to while running
Some people listen to music, others listen to podcasts or nothing at all. Changing this routine can create variety to your overall experience. My favourite is podcasts, but I have started switching off periodically and listening to my breathing, my foot strike and nature. Another suggestions is running to guided mindfulness.

# 10 Inject some motivation
Shameless plug, listen to some incredible running stories to trigger your motivation levels like my podcast everyday running legends. Another strategy would be to find a charity that you are connected with and run to raise money. This will be a method of running for something bigger than yourself.