Will your PHT get better on its own?

Title: Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Will It Heal on Its Own?


Proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT) can be a challenging and painful condition for both athletes and non-athletes alike. In this podcast episode, we’ll delve into the question of whether PHT will resolve itself without intervention. We’ll explore the basics of injury management, the scenarios where injuries might get better on their own, and when things can go wrong if not properly managed. Let’s dive into the world of PHT and find out if it truly heals on its own.

Meet the Host

Before we get started, let’s introduce the host, Brodie Sharp. Brodie is an online physiotherapist, a recreational athlete, the creator of the Run Smarter series, and someone who has battled with chronic proximal hamstring tendinopathy. With his expertise and personal experience, he aims to educate and empower individuals to overcome this condition through evidence-based treatments.

The Journey of This Podcast Episode

This particular podcast episode has undergone quite a journey. Originally recorded as a patron-exclusive episode for Brodie’s Run Smarter podcast, it has now made its way to the PhD podcast. The episode, titled “Will My Injury Get Better on Its Own?” explores the fundamental question of whether PHT can resolve itself without intervention. Let’s examine this topic in detail.

Understanding the Basics

Before we delve into hypothetical scenarios, it’s essential to grasp some fundamental concepts related to injury management. The key principle to remember is the adaptation zone. When an injury occurs, your body’s tissues become temporarily weaker, and you enter a sensitized state, making it crucial to find your current adaptation zone.

Scenario 1: Injury Improves on Its Own

In some cases, injuries do get better on their own, thanks to good management skills. Two common scenarios include:

  1. Minor Training Adjustment: Athletes who have been dedicated to their training but experience a minor fluctuation in their routine may find that simply reverting to their previous training load and avoiding the previous error helps the injury resolve.
  2. Significant Training Adjustment: If an athlete with a strong training base experiences a significant injury due to overexertion, they can gradually recover by reducing their training intensity, incorporating strength exercises, and gradually building back their endurance.

These scenarios highlight how injuries can improve without additional intervention when the right steps are taken.

Scenario 2: When Things Go Wrong

Unfortunately, not all injuries resolve on their own. Here are five common scenarios where injuries may not improve without intervention:

  1. Mismanagement: Pushing through pain or ignoring early signs of injury can lead to mismanagement, worsening the condition.
  2. Daily Loading Exceeds Adaptation Zone: When the pain extends beyond running, such as standing for long periods with plantar fasciitis or sitting with proximal hamstring tendinopathy, daily activities can worsen the injury.
  3. Missing Pieces in Rehab: Incomplete rehabilitation programs that lack necessary components like power-based exercises, speed work, or heavy lifting can hinder recovery.
  4. Misinformation: Following ill-advised advice or relying on misleading information can worsen the injury.
  5. Development of Chronic Pain: Anxiety, fear, and a sensitized nervous system can contribute to chronic pain and slow the healing process.

A Checklist for Managing Your Injury

To assess whether your injury can improve on its own, consider the following checklist:

  1. Follow Adaptation Principles: Embrace the principles of gradual adaptation when returning to activity after an injury.
  2. Track Symptoms Week by Week: Document your symptoms to identify trends in improvement or worsening.
  3. Change the Plan When Necessary: If your symptoms remain constant, reevaluate your approach and make adjustments.
  4. Identify Missing Pieces in Rehab: Ensure your rehabilitation program includes all necessary components for a comprehensive recovery.
  5. Seek Accurate Information: Make informed decisions by accessing reliable sources of information, like the Run Smarter podcast and resources.


In conclusion, the answer to whether proximal hamstring tendinopathy or any injury can improve on its own depends on various factors. While injuries may resolve naturally with proper management and informed decisions, they can persist and worsen if mismanaged, misunderstood, or accompanied by chronic pain. By following the checklist and seeking accurate information, individuals can take control of their recovery journey and increase their chances of overcoming PHT or any injury effectively. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to your health and well-being.