Rob’s PHT Success Story

Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Rob’s Success Story


Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy (PHT), also known as High Hamstring Tendinopathy, is a challenging condition that can significantly impact the lives of athletes and active individuals. In this podcast episode, we explore Rob’s inspiring success story in his battle against PHT. Rob, a urologist, surgeon, and scientist, is an experienced runner who faced this debilitating condition. We’ll delve into his journey, the various treatments he tried, and how he finally found relief and recovery.

Rob’s Background

Before we dive into Rob’s PHT journey, let’s get to know him a bit better. Rob, based in San Antonio, Texas, is not just a medical professional but also an avid runner. He has a history of participating in triathlons and long-distance trail running, including ultramarathons like the Leadville 100-miler. However, his PHT journey began in the fall of 2017, and it marked a significant turning point in his running career.

The Onset of PHT

Rob’s journey with PHT began after he ran a downhill marathon in Utah in September 2017. He distinctly recalls the evening before the race when he felt pain in his left ischial tuberosity, a high part of the hamstring, while using a lacrosse ball for self-massage. Despite the discomfort, he ran the marathon the next day without immediate issues. However, the pain gradually escalated, and a few weeks later, during an eight-mile race, he had to stop due to intense pain. This marked the beginning of his struggle with PHT.

Initial Approaches to Healing

Like many athletes facing PHT, Rob’s initial response was to rest and refrain from running. He experimented with different rest periods, from one week to a month, but the pain persisted. As an experienced runner, Rob had dealt with various injuries in the past, such as Achilles tendonopathy and IT band issues. However, PHT proved to be a different challenge altogether.

Seeking Medical Help

As his condition worsened, Rob sought medical help. He tried various treatments, including physical therapy, massage, dry needling, and even procedures like the Tenex (ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle tenotomy) and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. Unfortunately, none of these approaches provided the relief he desperately sought.

The Impact on Wellbeing

Rob’s struggle with PHT took a toll on his mental and emotional wellbeing. As an ultra runner, running was not just a hobby but a part of his identity and a vital stress outlet. The inability to run left him feeling frustrated and downhearted. It affected his daily life, relationships, sleep, and overall happiness. The sense of loss and despair that often accompanies PHT was all too real for Rob.

Discovering a New Hope

Rob’s turning point came in 2021 when he stumbled upon Brody Sharp’s podcast, which focused on PHT and evidence-based treatments. Listening to Brody’s insights and recommendations, Rob found a glimmer of hope. Brody’s emphasis on proper conditioning and specific exercises, especially deadlifts, caught Rob’s attention.

Embracing a New Approach

Encouraged by Brody’s podcast, Rob decided to give his rehab journey one more shot. He reached out to Brody for guidance and started following a tailored exercise program that included deadlifts and running-specific training plans. What stood out to Rob was Brody’s acknowledgment of the pain associated with exercises like deadlifts and the reassurance that it was a normal part of the healing process.

Progress and Recovery

Within a month of following Brody’s program, Rob began to notice significant improvements. The pain he once experienced during and after running started to diminish. Rob felt that his running was improving, and he finally saw light at the end of the tunnel. This was a turning point in his journey towards overcoming PHT.


Rob’s success story serves as a beacon of hope for anyone battling PHT. His journey highlights the importance of finding the right approach, seeking evidence-based treatments, and working with a knowledgeable physiotherapist who understands the unique challenges of PHT. Rob’s determination and willingness to explore new approaches ultimately led him to recovery. If you’re dealing with PHT, remember that there is hope, and with the right guidance, you can overcome this challenging condition and return to the activities you love.