Entries by Brodie Sharpe

How to overcome hip pain & keep running

Lateral (outer) hip pain will commonly present as gluteal tendon pain. A correct diagnosis is obviously important, but I have seen ‘hip bursitis’ over-diagnosed throughout the running population. In fact, some studies have shown that in subjects with lateral hip pain, only 8% have bursa involvement. None-the-less management is quite similar. So how do we […]

How to know if tape can benefit your running

Tape has been a prominent treatment method for health professionals and runners alike. But with so many different taping methods, different tape brands and differing opinions on effectiveness, how do we know if it is right for running? Tape to decrease pain for runners Firstly, tape can be effective at decreasing levels of pain. However, […]

How to overcome your ITB pain

Most runners know what and where the ITB is located. Some of you may have even experienced iliotibial band syndrome resulting in pain on the outside of the knee. Commonly, this condition is linked to female runners, perhaps with a lower cadence & a recent bout of downhill running. I thought I would help shed […]

How To Know If It’s Best To Rest Or Run

As we know, most runners will inevitably get injured. Some runners love running so much that they won’t stop running when injured. If this resonates with you then this blog should help your run or rest dilemma. Inspired by Tom Goom’s running repairs online course, we will discuss elements of your injury to determine if […]

The new PEACE & LOVE acronym for running injuries

I thought I would share this acronym for running injuries because it contains some crucial importance. For years the RICE acronym was common knowledge for households but now in the 21st century, it is time for an update. It is a long one but encapsulates the entire recovery process. Firstly, the PEACE section represents the […]

How To Best Prepare For Your Marathon

Your Marathon Preparation This blog will not provide tips on your training plan structure, if you would like more advice on this topic head to The top 5 MUST HAVES in your training program. I thought I would share some tips as you prepare for your next few long runs because this is where runners […]

How to boost your running mental game

When I first started podcasting, I hosted a podcast called ‘Everyday Running Legends’. And at the end of every episode I would ask my guest ‘What is your number one tip to help a runner who is struggling through the last 10% of an endurance run?’. This one question has provided a lot of great […]