When you are injured with the goal to get back to pain-free running, you often expect recovery to continuously progress without major disruptions. For example on a road trip from Melbourne to Sydney, you have your map, expected time of arrival and your trusty car. However, just like this road trip, your recovery might present […]
Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Amy’s Success Story
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeAmy developed Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy in late 2020 and has been battling with the ups and downs of recovery ever since. Recently, she has changed her rehabilitation routine and running approach and has seen tremendous gains. On the episode today,
Q&A: Pain Behind Knee/Max Deadlift Calculations/Cross Training/Pain Guidelines
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeThis episode addresses the following PHT questions: My hamstring pain is right behind the knee. Should I go through the same exercise and recovery regimen as PHT? How do you determine the max weight you should use for a specific exercise (is there a c
Q&A: Combining Rehab & Run Days/Flare-up Plans/Sciatica Symptoms/Finding a Good PT
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeThis episode addresses the following PHT questions: When you realize you have pushed past your “adaptation zone”, for example, on a longer, faster run than intended, what is the best post workout plan? Do you run on your off days or strength days othe
What you need to understand about muscle cramping
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeThe severity of muscle cramping varies along with its duration. It has been exceedingly difficult to study the treatments for cramps in a clinical setting because of it’s unpredictability. I shared an article from Maughan & Shirreffs (2019) who attempted to uncover the causes and treatment of exercise induced muscle cramps. It seems there are […]
Q&A: Flare-up Confusion/Measuring Progress/Chronic Pain Susceptibility/Preventing PHT
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeThis episode addresses the following PHT questions: What makes PHT seemingly come back out of nowhere? Is the treatment different for this recurrence? With this being such a slow-healing injury, how do you measure week-to-week progress? Are there markers
How to keep your tendons healthy when returning to the gym
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeHopefully by now you can recognize the importance of strength training. In fact, all runners should be doing some form of strength work throughout their training to improve their performance. But there might be situations that require extended time off your gym work. For example, going on holidays or spending all of your time running […]
How To Mentally Set Up Your Road To Recovery
/in Run Smarter Blog, Running /by Brodie SharpeWhen you are injured with the goal to get back to pain-free running, you often expect recovery to continuously progress without major disruptions. For example on a road trip from Melbourne to Sydney, you have your map, expected time of arrival and your trusty car. However, just like this road trip, your recovery might present […]
How to do running strength exercises without leaving the house
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeHome exercises for runners Strengthening exercises are very beneficial when recovering from an injury & for increasing running performance. However, a lot of runners avoid gyms like the plague, and memberships can be expensive. So when though it is more beneficial to pile on the slow but heavy reps to reap the full reward I […]
Injury Update: Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeIn this episode, Brodie recaps what he has learnt over the years about PHT. It was originally released on the Run Smarter Podcast and is now shared on the PHT podcast. Book a free 20-min physio chat here Click here to learn more about the PHT video cour
Why is my heel pain not getting better?
/in Run Smarter Blog, Running /by Brodie SharpeWhat is plantar heel pain? Plantar heel pain is an umbrella term consisting of several pain sources around the heel. Most commonly plantar fasciitis however, this condition may be over-diagnosed. So for today’s post I thought I would shed some light on some other causes or potential co-existing conditions that may be hinder your recovery. […]