PHT Client insight: exercise/running/rehab

Title: Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Insights and Strategies


Welcome to another episode of PhD Client Insight, where we delve into the world of exercise, running, and rehabilitation. Today, we are here to help you understand and conquer the challenges of proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT), a condition that affects many athletes and individuals. I’m Brody Sharp, an online physiotherapist, recreational athlete, and creator of the Run Smarter series. In this episode, we will explore key insights and strategies to overcome PHT, debunk misconceptions, and empower you on your road to recovery.

Revelations from PHT Clients

In this episode, we are sharing insights and revelations from individuals who have battled PHT. Their experiences shed light on effective treatments and valuable lessons. One client’s journey stands out, and we’ll break down their insights into key points:

1. Stick to a Tailored Exercise Plan

One of the essential elements of overcoming PHT is following a structured exercise plan. This plan not only provides the right exercises but also guides you on how to progress through them. Having a health professional on your team can make a significant difference in your rehabilitation journey. It offers accountability and a clear path to recovery.

2. Focus on Weight-Bearing Exercises

Transition from non-weight-bearing exercises like glute bridges to weight-bearing ones. Weight-bearing exercises, such as deadlifts, weighted step-ups, and squats, help build strength and resilience. These exercises are crucial for the recovery process.

3. Seek Professional Guidance

Self-diagnosing PHT can lead to confusion about the appropriate exercises and their dosages. It’s essential to consult a physiotherapist who specializes in PHT for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plans. Dosages should be tailored to your current fitness level and pain tolerance.

4. Gradual Return to Running

If you want to resume running after PHT, it’s crucial to do so gradually. Start with walk-run programs on flat terrain and adjust based on your symptoms. A structured approach to running is essential for a safe return to the sport.

5. Manage Sitting Discomfort

Managing discomfort while sitting is a common challenge with PHT. Some find relief with cushions, while others prefer harder surfaces. It’s a matter of trial and error to determine what works best for you. Avoiding sitting altogether can lead to muscle weakness, so finding a tolerable sitting solution is crucial.

6. Explore Cross-Training Alternatives

Cross-training can help you stay active without exacerbating PHT symptoms. Options like swimming, cycling, elliptical machines, and even upper-body workouts can be suitable alternatives. The key is to find activities that don’t aggravate your condition.

7. Find the Right Physiotherapist

Not all health professionals are well-versed in diagnosing and treating PHT. Seek a physiotherapist with experience in this condition who can tailor your treatment plan to your specific needs. If a recommended plan doesn’t align with your understanding of PHT or the research you’ve done, consider finding another professional.

8. Patience is Key

Recovering from PHT is not a quick process. It’s essential to understand that you may still experience discomfort during runs, but if your symptoms return to baseline within 24 hours, you are likely progressing in your recovery journey. Don’t give up; patience and persistence are crucial.


In your battle against proximal hamstring tendinopathy, knowledge is your greatest ally. These insights from PHT clients, along with the guidance of a knowledgeable physiotherapist, can help you navigate your recovery effectively. Remember that it’s a journey, and progress may be gradual, but with the right strategies and persistence, you can overcome PHT and get back to doing what you love pain-free.