Principle #8 to Overcome your Running Injury: Rest not always best

Rest not always best Chapter 8 from my e-book is titled: Avoiding the Pain, Rest, Weakness downward spiral’. Complete rest is the most common treatment approach for novice runners and can often be the most detrimental. Brodie introduces the pain, rest, weakness downward spiral & why rest is such a trap. Congratulations on listening to […]

Principle #7 to Overcome your Running Injury: Stress Less

Runners should Stress Less Chapter 7 from my e-book is titled: ‘Stress Less: The hidden dangers that reduce your capacity to adapt’. Certain hidden dangers such as poor nutrition, physical and mental stress, disrupted sleep, gut issues and even some medications can leave you prone to injury. Why these are dangerous and what you can do […]

Principle #6 to Overcome your Running Injury: Watch your step, Running cadence

Watch your step, Running cadence Chapter 6 from my e-book is titled: ‘Watch your step’. This is the amount of steps you take per minute and can be correlated to your running efficiency. Listen in to learn how it influences running injuries and performance and how you can calculate your cadence yourself. There is tonnes […]

Principle #5 to Overcome your Running Injury: Analysis Paralysis

Principle #5 Analysis Paralysis On this episode of The Run Smarter podcast we cover chapter 5 from the e-book titled Analysis Paralysis. This covers what information you should pay attention to & what you should avoid. It’s tough to know the difference between evidence & cherry picked marketing ploys. Therefore, this will covers this major […]

Principle #4 to Overcome your Running Injury: Sleep on it, interpret pain

Principle #4 Sleep on it, interpret pain. On this episode of the Run Smarter Podcast you will learn how to interpret pain signals. As runners, we expect some muscle soreness, but how do you know if it’s good pain or bad pain. For example, if you wake up with stiff joints, is that a good […]

Principle #3 to Overcome your Running Injury: Undergoing stress management

Principle #3 Undergoing stress management On this episode of the Run Smarter Podcast Brodie continues through the principles to overcome any running injury. Therefore, the concept of ‘stress’ cannot be missed. In other words, ‘stress management’ describes the various degrees of load you are subjecting your body to when changing up your running. For example […]

Principle #2 to Overcome your Running Injury: Frequency is the key

Principle #2 Running Frequency is the key On episode number 2 Brodie discusses the importance of ‘Running Frequency’. In other words, how often you are running per week. This mistake is common in new runners. Their intentions are pure but their mindset needs adjusting. For example, most new runners think they need to run hard […]

Principle #1 to Overcome your Running Injury: Adaptation Education

Principle #1 Adaptation Education On the first episode of The Run Smarter Podcast Brodie talks about the importance of adaptation for a runner. Firstly, this is a universal principle that every runner should know! Therefore it is #1 on the podcast list. In order for your body to become stronger as a runner, it needs […]