The Run Smarter Podcast artwork and episode title

Addressing Common Running Misconceptions Part 2: Running Form

Misconceptions Part 2

On social media I released the Run Smarter Quiz and the response was phenomenal. So this gives me the opportunity to analyse over 100 runners and address the common misconceptions based on their responses. Therefore, misconceptions part 2 discusses running technique and it link with running injury.

Congratulations on listening to this podcast and starting your run smarter journey. The run smarter podcast is designed to help you build on your knowledge, so you can tackle all your running goals. Hosted by Brodie Sharpe with the mission to ‘bring clarity & control to every injured runner’. Firstly, gain the universal principles every runner needs to know by listening to the first podcast seasons. Secondly, find podcast topics tailored to your specific situation with either Brodie’s solo episodes, or special guest episodes. Lastly, execute on what you learn and transform into a stronger, healthier, SMARTER runner.

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