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Success Story: Overcoming PHT with Kara Haas

During these success story segments, Brodie interviews a runner who has managed to overcome a running related injury after much hardship and frustration. Kara Haas has faced 15 years of Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy. Once running at a very high level and competing at the Olympic trials, Kara’s PHT started to get out of control. We dive into Kara’s story and her attempts to resolve her pain including PRP, tendon procedures, strengthening and finally surgery. Hear how Kara Haas managed to defy the odds and return to pain free running!

When injured, it is easy to find social media posts & stories from other injured runners which are discouraging and worrying. Tales of chronic pain, debilitating symptoms and failed treatment techniques often manifest anxiety and thoughts of the worst outcome. However, this is only a small fraction of runners and a skewed bias around the injured population. So, this segment aims to bring hope and optimism, while sharing treatment success. 

Congratulations on listening to this podcast and starting your run smarter journey. The run smarter podcast is designed to help you build on your knowledge, so you can tackle all your running goals. Hosted by Brodie Sharpe with the mission to ‘bring clarity & control to every injured runner’. Firstly, gain the universal principles every runner needs to know by listening to the first podcast seasons. Secondly, find podcast topics tailored to your specific situation with either Brodie’s solo episodes, or special guest episodes. Lastly, execute on what you learn and transform into a stronger, healthier, SMARTER runner.

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