When is it dangerous to use wearable technology?

Runner with wearable technology and blog post

Wearable technology like Garmin trackers, strava, heart-rate monitors and the nike run app to name a few have been recording our data for years but are they helpful? Most of you will agree that runners will fall on a spectrum between ‘valuable’ and ‘detrimental’ when using wearable technologies. The research has already shown that certain personality types can link to injury, but do you possess these traits? So, rather than preach my opinion I thought I would propose some questions for you to reflect and decide for yourself.

Why am I really recording my running?

Answer this question honestly, because recording your run can be extremely helpful to quantify if you are over-training, under-training or purely to measure how far you ran. On the other hand, recording your run just to post it on social media may conjure toxin habits in the future.

Runner with wearable technology in the forest

What motivates me to run?

I remember when I started running, I loved using wearable technology and posting my progress on strava and the encouragement I received motivated me to continue. Runners have different internal and external motivations for running and recognizing the value you attribute to these motivations could steer you in the right direction.

Do I envy others & their achievements?

A lot of you will nod your head when I say we are all victims of comparing to other’s success, speeds, mileage and feel envious, slow, even lazy. You might also agree that past overuse injuries could have been avoided if we didn’t make such comparisons. Avoid the comparison trap! Be inspired, rather than envious.

How do you feel when you run without technology?

Lastly, are you negatively affected when your phone dies during a run? This scenario reveals all! Especially in the middle of a race. Do you continue embracing the day? High-fiving the crowd, run based on feel and await your finishing time at the end? Or do you break down into a hissy-fit? Take a deep dive and consider how much of a positive and negative impact technologies are having on your running.

runner tired after a long run on the grass

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