On today’s episode I answer Mark’s submitted question: “I would like to understand how an injured/damaged/weak tendon can go on to cause such widespread symptoms? In addition to tendon pain, I get chronic muscle tightness in my hamstring, thigh, calf, hip
Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Michelle’s Success Story
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeAfter developing PHT in 2016, Michelle encountered 13 doctors and 3 years of pain before reaching an accurate diagnosis. Through lifestyle changes, strength exercises and finding the right therapist, she managed to eventually see progress. Michelle has r
PHT Client insight: exercise/running/rehab
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeIn today’s episode, Brodie unpacks the reflections and revelations from a past client. Here is their response when Brodie asked what really helped their recovery: “Well definitely the exercises you said to do! And made sure I stuck to doing them. I stoppe
Learn how to Conduct a running shoe assessment
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeRunning shoe assessment step 1 Running is a beautiful, simplistic lifestyle. One of the main reasons for its simplicity is you only need running shoes. Therefore, it makes sense to gain insight into a running shoe assessment. Step one is to find the oldest pair of running shoes and turn them upside down to inspect […]
The importance of patience & trusting the process
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeIn today’s episode, Brodie reads out responses from current and past clients. These are insights they have had when managing their own Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Client A: “I guess my key takeaway is not a fun one and it’s one that I’ve tried to avo
How do I run more without injury?
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeUnderstanding adaptation: To run without injury In order to run more without injury, you need to understand adaptation. The human body is smart when it’s thrown into an unfamiliar situation. Just look at an elite cyclist and compare their body type to a swimmer. One profession requires a massive demand on the upper body, while […]
Understanding widespread symptoms
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeOn today’s episode I answer Mark’s submitted question: “I would like to understand how an injured/damaged/weak tendon can go on to cause such widespread symptoms? In addition to tendon pain, I get chronic muscle tightness in my hamstring, thigh, calf, hip
How to treat your running injuries
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeLet’s explore how to treat running injuries and effective treatment. In particular, we will be discussing Runner’s knee, achilles pain & ITB pain. Treat your running injuries #1: Patellofemoral joint pain Also known as ‘runner’s knee’, this is the most common complaint in runners. Pain is at the front of the knee (patella) that is […]
Introducing speed & hills into your PHT rehab
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeIntroduction Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy: Introducing Speed and Hills Welcome to this episode of our podcast, where we delve into the world of proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT) and explore how to introduce speed and hill training into your rehab routine. We’re here to provide you with valuable insights, evidence-based treatments, and dispel common misconceptions about […]
Running Cadence: How to take full advantage
/in Run Smarter Blog /by Brodie SharpeWhat is running cadence? Whether you need to adjust it or not, every runner should at least know what their running cadence is. This one number can be a game changer for some runners because it can generate a more efficient running technique. Simply put, your cadence is the number of steps that you take […]
Q&A: Overlapping symptoms/sitting guidelines/hip weakness
/in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy Podcast /by Brodie SharpeOn today’s epsiode Brodie answers your questions on social media: Are there overlaps between gluteal pain, adductor pain and PHT? If so, how do we isolate it and the treatment plan? How can I sit more comfortably during a flare-up? What is the likelihoo